My Dream Lover: A Romance Novel With a Sci-Fi Twist by David Navarria

where to buy My Dream Lover a romancw novel with a sci-fi twist written by David Navarria

Where To Buy My Dream Lover

My Dream Lover is a romance novel with a science fiction twist and is available in printed and eBook versions internationally. Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Walmart, Bookshop, Books-a-million, and Kobo to name some. Just Google it! It is also available in select bookstores. If you have any questions feel free to contact me

man buying My Dream Lover a romancw novel with a sci-fi twist written by David Navarria

About My Dream Lover

My Dream Lover is a romance book with a science fiction twist. It begins as a coming-of-age story about a young man named Robert Bryant and his younger sister Emily: strangers in a new town in 1953. Born a genius with exceptional coordination, Robert excels at sports in high school. However, due to his nature, Robert struggles with the concept of love and only maintains short, casual relationships. Years later, Robert finds the passion of love where he least expected. But things in his life change suddenly, which propel him into a world of betrayal, deceit, and treachery as Robert struggles to reunite with his one true love. Along the way, Robert discovers a dark past and things about himself, which accounts for how he became the way he is. Will Robert reunite with his one true love or forfeit love forever? Only time will tell in this romantic story wit a sci-fi twist.Bookstore of customer buying the romance novel My Dream Lover